

  • Tremendous growth in the influx of news related to traded assets in international financial markets via not only just print media but through real-time online sources such as social media. These news items are swiftly transformed into investors sentiment which in turn drives prices.

  • The continuous release of financial news helps to update general investor’s information sets in relation to financial markets and influences general investor sentiment.

  • Various commercial agencies have started developing their own financial news sentiment data sets which are used by investors and traders to support their algorithmic trading strategies.

  • Some of them are

  • This project is investigatiing 2 and 3.


  • There is a growing body of research that argues that news items from different sources influence investor sentiment, and hence asset prices, asset price volatility and risk

  • Tetlock (2007), Tetlock, SAAR-TSECHANSKY, & Macskassy (2008), Da, Engelberg, & Gao (2011); Barber & Odean (2008); diBartolomeo & Warrick (2005); Mitra & Mitra (2011).

  • A recent development within the realm of these studies is a collation of research that explores indices that provide a proxy for human emotions such as fear, joy, and optimism. The studies examine whether emotional indices can explain innovations in financial asset prices which do not correspond to the expected behaviour of rational economic agents.

    • For instance, Griffith, Najand, & Shen (2020) investigate (utilizing the Thomson Reuters MarketPsych Indices – TRMI) whether proxies of fear, gloom, joy, and stress can be used to predict returns and volatility in the US equity market.
    • Papakyriakou, Sakkas, & Taoushianis (2019) explore whether unexpected announcements of company defaults in the US can induce asset price reactions in stock markets based in other geographic jurisdictions.
  • This is a continuation of previous research where we looked at the RMN (Refinitiv Machine Ready News) data

    • See David E. Allen, McAleer, & Singh (2019); David E. Allen, McAleer, Powell, & Singh (2017) and D. Allen, McAleer, & Singh (2016)

  • More recently, the mentioned datasets have been used in research utlising machine learning and econometric methods

  • For example

    • Borovkova & Dijkstra (2018) incorporates machine learning techniques to undertake intraday forecasting of the European sharemarket using the TRMI as the main predictor. The study uses a Kalman filter to remove the noise of the sentiment signals (we can also use a moving average - just as good) and then employs Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) techniques to select the features of the proposed model. The study ends up using the Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) network model to undertake the forecasts.
    • Audrino & Tetereva (2019) assesses returns for nominal exchange rates before, during, and after announcements of sovereign credit rating downgrades. The authors propose that in countries with weaker regulatory controls where informational leakages are more common, that currency depreciations occur before the announcements.
    • Obaid & Pukthuanthong (2022) applied machine learning to classify photos based on sentiment and TRMI dataset to examine news text to predict stock returns

Research Questions

This is not an exhaustive list (work in progress)

  • Is there a significant relationship between Emotion based sentiment and stock price movement?
  • Are topic based (FACTSET/Alexandria data) sentiment scores able to model asset prices?
  • Was there a significant relationship between sentiment (from both TRMI and Alexandria) and stock/commodity/cryptocurrency price movements during COVID-19?
  • There are possible questions about link between sentiment and volatility

Let’s look at these datasets briefly


Alexandria Contextual Text Analytics (ACTA) Equity Data Feed

  • The data is in high frequency and has over 250 million rows (since 2000)
  • There are stocks from over 105 countries but USA is the most dominant one
  • The sentiment are generated from news from either Dow Jones news publication or other press release
BAR Barrons Content from Barrons
BEN Benzinga Analyst Ratings from Benzinga
DJE Dow Jones Exclusive Stories from Dow Jones editorial with exclusive coverage of the subject
DJN Dow Jones News Wire Default source code for anything not tagged below
DPR Press Releases in Dow Jones Press Release content published within the Dow Jones Newswire
DWB Dow Jones Web Based News Web content from Dow Jones (MarketWatch, Financial News & more)
LSE UK Regulatory Wire (Non-Dow) UK corporate disclosures
PRE Press Release Wire (Non-Dow) Press release content not published in the Dow Jones Newswire
TPC Third Party Content Any third party content not captured by another source tag (stock exchange declarations, Associated Press, AFP)
WEB Web Based News (Non-Dow) Web content not published in the the Dow Jones Newswire
WSJ Wall Street Journal Content from Wall Street Journal

  • The news stories are categorised by topics
Events covered in the data
AA@ACC Accounting Accounting issues, reporting , restatements
AA@AST Asset Purchases/Sales The purchase or sale of a company’s assets
AA@BNQ Bankruptcy Bankruptcy files, cases, petitions, liquidations
AA@BUY Buy Backs Stock buy backs
AA@CBT Bond Ratings Ratings of corporate bonds
AA@COV COVID-19 Coronavirus (COVID-19)
AA@CPA Corporate Actions Corporate actions, changes, divestitures, restructurings, stock splits, spin offs
AA@CPG Corporate Governance Annual meetings, proxy filings, shareholder rights plans
AA@DEB Debt Financing Corporate debt news
AA@DIV Dividends Dividend news, pay dates
AA@DMNA Dissolved Mergers Failed or terminated company mergers or acquisitions
AA@DRV Equity Derivative Transactions of derivatives, options, swaps
AA@ERN Earnings SEC filings, earnings announcements, earnings restatements, sales figures
AA@EST Estimates Analysis, Forecasts, analyst polls, analyst estimates
AA@ETF Index Reconstitution ETF buying, selling, inclusion
AA@FDA Clinical Trials Clinical Drug Trials and Announcements
AA@GDC Guidance Earnings guidance
AA@GOV Government Interaction Senate and house inquiries or opinions
AA@HFD Hedge Fund Trades Hedge fund buying, selling, recommendations
AA@IMB Trade Imbalances Trade imbalances for securities at open/close
AA@INS Insider Transactions Insider buying, selling, registration
AA@IPO IPOs IPOs, secondary offerings, Venture financing
AA@LGL Legal Compliance, patents, lawsuits, antitrust news
AA@MFD Mutual Fund Trades Mutual fund buying, selling, positions
AA@MGT Management Management issues, profiles, movement, compensation
AA@MNA Mergers & Acquisitions Mergers, acquisitions, take overs, tender offers, LBOs
AA@OPS Operations Contracts, financing agreements, franchises, JVs, labor, licensing agreements, R&D, product distribution, Strategic partnerships
AA@OWN Equity Ownership Corporate Stock Trades, 5% ownership, 13-F filings, 13-D filings, Short Interest, SMA ownership, Shelf Registrations
AA@PRE Private Equity Private companies, private placements
AA@RAT Research Ratings Research firm/analyst ratings
AA@REG Regulatory Affairs Securities, Financial, Operational regulations
AA@TRD Trading Commentary Trading recommendations, analysis, commentary

Let’s look at a one year sample (2021) from the DJIA of the USA

Sentiment scores each day

Sentiment scores

Sentiment scores for Event types

Sentiment scores and Story Source

Some Data Issues

  • Irregular time points and number of stories each day

  • More stories during the week; expected but a data pre-processing issue.

Sentiment scores each day

Some Data Issues

  • The data isnt continuous
Sentiment scores for 1 day

Sentiment scores for 1 day

Some Data Issues

  • 1 Stock data
Sentiment Scores for 1 Stock (AAPL)

Sentiment Scores for 1 Stock (AAPL)

MarketPsych Analytics Data (Commodity Example)

  • The dataset provides various emotional indicators, such as, Anger, Fear, Joy, Gloom, Stress, Surprise etc., along with the overall positive and negative sentiments.
  • The dataset also has indicators for price movement, such as Price Direction, Volatility etc.
  • These indicators are available for 1 min, hourly and daily frequencies
  • There are various asset classes available, including, stocks, currencies, cryptocurrencies.
  • The sentiments are generated using news from news sites as well as social media.
  • Here we look at Energy and Material commodity data for the year 2021 with 1 min frequency
  • The dataset has around 4million rows and 43 fields

Data Source Type

Source Type

Source Type

Asset types

Source Type

Source Type

Sentiment Indicators

Work in progress

  • Evaluation of various ML, Econometric methods to examine the research questions
  • Experiment with weighting schemes to find a daily indicator
  • Analysis around COVID-19, particularly in Commodities and Crypto.

Thanks & Happy Holidays!!


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Allen, David E., McAleer, M., & Singh, A. K. (2019). Daily market news sentiment and stock prices. Applied Economics, 51(30), 3212–3235.

Allen, D., McAleer, M., & Singh, A. (2016). An entropy based analysis of the relationship between the DOW JONES index and the TRNA sentiment series. Applied Economics, 1–16.

Audrino, F., & Tetereva, A. (2019). Sentiment spillover effects for US and european companies. Journal of Banking & Finance, 106, 542–567.

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diBartolomeo, D., & Warrick, S. (2005). Making covariance based portfolio risk models sensitive to the rate at which markets reflect new information" chapter 12 in linear factor models edited. Knight, j. And satchell, s., Elsevier finance.

Griffith, J., Najand, M., & Shen, J. (2020). Emotions in the stock market. Journal of Behavioral Finance, 21(1), 42–56.

Mitra, L., & Mitra, G. (2011). Applications of news analytics in finance: A review. The Handbook of News Analytics in Finance, 596, 1.

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Papakyriakou, P., Sakkas, A., & Taoushianis, Z. (2019). Financial firm bankruptcies, international stock markets, and investor sentiment. International Journal of Finance & Economics, 24(1), 461–473.

Tetlock, P. C. (2007). Giving content to investor sentiment: The role of media in the stock market. The Journal of Finance, 62(3), 1139–1168.

Tetlock, P. C., SAAR-TSECHANSKY, M., & Macskassy, S. (2008). More than words: Quantifying language to measure firms’ fundamentals. The Journal of Finance, 63(3), 1437–1467.